9th-12th Grade Class offered:
Course Goals:
The objective of this class is to provide the student with a comprehensive survey of government and American government. The objective of each student should be to complete activities as deemed necessary by the instructor. In order to cover the material required for this class, it is imperative that students read the required chapters in the textbook and other supplemental materials when they are assigned. Reading quizzes will be given to check comprehension. Reading material when assigned will enable each student to use the information presented and discussed in class more effectively. This is a half (.5) credit, one semester, high school class.
Units and Major Questions (note that teaching order may change throughout the semester):
I.Overview of Government & the American Political Culture
Tests will be given at the conclusion of units II, III, VI and VIII. In addition, homework, quizzes and/or other class work will be graded. Any work given in-class will receive a grade and can affect the overall grade. Grades will be weighted as follows:
Tests/Projects 50%
Homework/Class work/Quizzes 30%
End of Year Exam 20%
A - 90
B - 80
C - 70
D - 60
F - Below 60
Basic Rules (All Respect-Based):
1. Respect the Teacher- appropriate interaction: ex. always ask for permission
2. Respect Your Classroom- clean up after yourself, no damage or destruction: ex. Vandalism
3. Respect Your Classmate- appropriate interaction; ex. communicate in a kind manner, Do not interfere with the learning process of other students.
4. Respect Yourself- come prepared to learn; ex. have materials ready at the beginning of class
Additional Guidelines:
At the class starting time, be seated, have your notebook, textbook, writing tool and paper out and ready to go.
Required Materials:
Make-Up Work Due To Absences:
- Offered Second Semester Only
- Thursdays 10:45-12:15
$365 per semester (1 semester course)
Course Goals:
The objective of this class is to provide the student with a comprehensive survey of government and American government. The objective of each student should be to complete activities as deemed necessary by the instructor. In order to cover the material required for this class, it is imperative that students read the required chapters in the textbook and other supplemental materials when they are assigned. Reading quizzes will be given to check comprehension. Reading material when assigned will enable each student to use the information presented and discussed in class more effectively. This is a half (.5) credit, one semester, high school class.
- Students are expected to complete in-class assignments when given.
- Students are expected to pay attention during presentations, participate in discussions, and take notes.
- Students are expected to study for tests and quizzes, complete homework assignments and projects on time.
- Students are expected to follow all classroom rules.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times.
- Students are expected to complete reading assignments in advance of the material presented in class. You should take notes from your reading and/or graphically organize your learning.
- All work must be done in pen (blue or black ink only) or pencil; projects may be done using a computer.
- Painless American Government by Jeffrey Strausser (Barron’s Educational Series)
- Foundational texts, either available online (may require printing or will be provided at no additional cost)
Units and Major Questions (note that teaching order may change throughout the semester):
I.Overview of Government & the American Political Culture
- How and why did government develop, and how do different types of government compare?
- Reading and Vocabulary p.
- What were the major concepts incorporated into the US Constitution and the American political system?
- What are the major civil rights and responsibilities given to and required of American citizens?
- How does the legislative process work, and what are the similarities and differences in the process as it exists in the House of Representatives and the Senate?
- What are the major roles and powers of the President, and how does the President/Executive Branch create and carry out foreign policy?
- What are the structures, jurisdictions, and workings of the Federal Judiciary, particularly as they relate to the Supreme Court?
- What systems are employed in the various election process and what role do political parties play?
- Shaping Public Policy
- How do interest groups, the media, and personal influences affect citizens’ views and actions on political issues and policy?
- What are major ways in which US citizens can participate in the political process, and why does that participation appear to be declining?
Tests will be given at the conclusion of units II, III, VI and VIII. In addition, homework, quizzes and/or other class work will be graded. Any work given in-class will receive a grade and can affect the overall grade. Grades will be weighted as follows:
Tests/Projects 50%
Homework/Class work/Quizzes 30%
End of Year Exam 20%
A - 90
B - 80
C - 70
D - 60
F - Below 60
Basic Rules (All Respect-Based):
1. Respect the Teacher- appropriate interaction: ex. always ask for permission
2. Respect Your Classroom- clean up after yourself, no damage or destruction: ex. Vandalism
3. Respect Your Classmate- appropriate interaction; ex. communicate in a kind manner, Do not interfere with the learning process of other students.
4. Respect Yourself- come prepared to learn; ex. have materials ready at the beginning of class
Additional Guidelines:
At the class starting time, be seated, have your notebook, textbook, writing tool and paper out and ready to go.
Required Materials:
- A three ring binder for this class only with pockets to hold class work and graded work
- Notebook Dividers labeled appropriately. (Vocabulary, Class Notes/Assignments, etc.)
- Plenty of loose leaf notebook paper (College Ruled needed for test and essays).
NO SPIRAL-RINGED NOTEBOOK PAPER, please! (It makes a mess and never seems to land in the trash can.) - Pencils and Pens for homework and class work. (blue or black ink only).
- Additional basic supplies will be assigned as needed for special projects (poster board, markers, etc.)
Make-Up Work Due To Absences:
- Students are expected to make up any missed grades/class notes within one week of their return to school.
- It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to find out what was missed and make arrangements with me to make-up work, including tests and quizzes.
- Homework and classroom work that is not turned in on time will not be accepted.
- Major items will count off 10% a day up to 5 days.